God Loves A Cheerful Giver!
We gaze upon Jesus’ transformative power at work daily through restored families, renewed faith, and stronger relationships. When we put God above all else, we declare our love, trust and faith in the Savior and ushers his blessings into our lives.

We give because he gave to us first!
Ways To Give
Online Giving
Set up an online account to give your gift via credit/debit card or link directly to a bank account. This can be set up as a recurring OR one-time gift.
Cash App
You now can pay your tithes, give an offering or donation via Cash App. Our cash tag is: $SalvationMinistry

Postal Mail
You can also give by dropping a check or money order into an envelope and mailing it to:
Salvation Ministry of Jesus Christ
P.O. Box 3824
Baton Rouge, LA. 70821
Place your check or cash in the secure collection plates during any SMJC service. Please make checks payable to Salvation Ministry of Jesus Christ Church.